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研究 网络平台经济:谁赚得最多?

在12bet官方研究所的报告中 薪水、发薪日和在线平台经济, we documented that 4 percent of adults earned income from the Online Platform Economy between October 2012 and September 2015. Despite the tremendous growth in participation in the Online Platform Economy—a 47-fold increase over three years—these online "gigs" remained a secondary source of income for most people. 在个人赚取平台收入的月份, 劳动的平台, 比如Uber或TaskRabbit,在这些平台上,个人可以完成不同的任务或任务, 贡献了月总收入的33%, 资本平台, 比如eBay或Airbnb,个人可以在那里出售商品或租赁资产, 贡献了月总收入的20%.

许多政策辩论正在进行中, 包括平台工人是否应该构成一个新的阶级 “独立工人” 而如何提供传统 工作的好处  为他们, 重要的是要了解谁将受到拟议的政策或结果的最大影响 集体诉讼. We find that the Online Platform Economy contributed significantly to the bottom line for certain segments of the population, 尤其是劳工平台的参与者, 特别是居住在旧金山的劳动平台收入者, 或者年龄在35岁及以上,或者收入中低收入的人. 在这些部分中, 代表的平台收益, 平均, 超过他们收入的四分之一在12个月内.

为了揭示谁从网络平台上赚得最多, 我们抽取了超过260个匿名样本,000 core 追逐 checking account customers who earned income on at least one of 30 platforms—the largest sample of platform earners analyzed to date. 这里我们关注的是196年,在2014年10月至2015年9月的12个月期间,共有5000人参与了调查. 在这个跨度中,3.1%的成年人从网络平台获得收入.资本平台占4%.劳动力平台占8%.

1. 西海岸城市是网络平台经济的中心, 旧金山在参与和依赖在线“零工”方面名列榜首。.

在旧金山,许多最大的在线平台公司的总部都设在那里.在截至2015年9月的12个月期间,1%的成年人从平台获得收入, 与3相比.全国1%(图1).1 而旧金山的劳动平台参与率最高, 西雅图的资本平台参与率最高. 在所有大都市地区,更多的人从资本平台获得收入,而不是劳动力平台, 很少有人——不到3%的参与者——同时从劳动力和资本平台获得收入.

图1中15个城市的劳动平台参与率差异很大. 劳动平台的参与率从最高的2.旧金山的失业率从2%降至0%.纽约市4%的成年人——相差五倍. 许多因素可能导致了这种分散, 包括平台公司进入每个市场的时机, 监管努力以应对其增长, 以及当地的劳动力市场和价格状况. 与劳动平台形成对比, there was less variation in the rate of participation in capital platforms across cities—participation rates ranged from a high of 3.西雅图从1%下降到2%.休斯顿和菲尼克斯的支持率为0%.

Platform earnings were a secondary source of income for established participants in all 15 cities and the nation as a whole, representing 26 percent of annual income for labor platform participants and 11 percent of annual income for capital platform participants (Figure 2).2 We define "established participants" as those who also received platform income at any point in the two years before October 2014. We study the reliance of this group of participants in order to observe a full 12-month period in which platform income could contribute to a participant's income. 考虑到在线平台的快速增长,以及随着时间的推移,某些平台的可用性存在地域差异, established platform participants provide a more steady-state view of the contribution platform earnings made to total income. 在所有平台创收者中, 包括最近一年开始参与的个人, 代表的平台收益 14 percent of total income for labor platform participants and 6 percent of income for capital platform participants.3

旧金山的个人不仅参与劳动平台的比例高于全国其他地区, but they were also the most reliant on them—participants received 35 percent of their annual income from these platforms. This degree of reliance was about nine percentage points higher than the national average and 20 percentage points higher than the city with the least reliant participants, 底特律. 圣地亚哥资本平台参与者, 凤凰城, 丹佛和迈阿密最依赖他们的平台收入, 占全年总收入的12%以上, 相比之下,全国平均水平为11%,哥伦布市为7%, 俄亥俄州. 

*由于样本量较小, the 95 percent confidence intervals on these estimates are 4 percentage points for Seattle; 3 percentage points for Atlanta, 哥伦布, and 底特律; 2 percentage points for San Jose, 丹佛, 休斯顿, and 凤凰城; and less than 2 percentage points for the remaining cities.


2. 千禧一代最有可能从在线平台经济中获得收入, 但在各个年龄组中,他们对平台收入的依赖程度最低.

More than five percent of Millennials (those ages 18-34) earned income from the Online Platform Economy over these 12 months, 而全国平均水平是3.1%(图3). 这两种平台的参与年龄差距都存在. 与65岁及以上的成年人相比, 18-24 year olds were roughly nine-fold more likely to earn income on 劳动的平台 and five-fold more likely to earn income on capital platforms. 

尽管年轻人更有可能参与在线平台经济, 与年长用户相比,他们对平台收入的依赖程度最低(图4)。. Labor 代表的平台收益 about 23 percent of total annual income for participants age 18-34 compared to more than 28 percent of total earnings for individuals age 45 and older. 类似的, 资本平台收入约占18-34岁参与者年收入总额的9%, 但其他参与者的比例超过11%. 这表明,尽管人们对“零工经济”的大部分关注都集中在千禧一代身上, 在线平台可能, 事实上, 成为其他年龄组更重要的收入来源, 包括退休人员和有家庭的个人. 

3. 在线平台经济吸引了不同收入水平的个人, 但低收入和中等收入的参与者更依赖于劳动平台的收入.

在所有收入群体中,大约有3%的成年人从在线平台经济中获得收入(图5)。. 参与率, 然而, 在劳动力平台上,低收入个人的收入是否略高,而在资本平台上,情况正好相反. 

* Individuals are grouped into income quintiles based on an annual pre-tax income estimate for the year ascertained by 12bet官方 based on individual, 第三方和邮政编码级别的数据. 收入从0美元到30美元不等,1分位数是000, $30,100-$44,000代表第二分位数, $44,100-$58,5分位数是000, $58,100-$83,四分位数是800, 和83美元,五分位数在900以上.


Low- and moderate-income individuals were more reliant on labor platform earnings than the rest of the population (Figure 6). Labor 代表的平台收益 more than 25 percent of annual income for participants in the bottom three income quintiles compared to just 20 percent of annual income for labor platform participants in the top income quintile. 在收入范围内, 资本平台收入约占参与者收入的11%.

The fact that participation in and reliance on platforms was so consistent across the income spectrum speaks to the diversity of roles and opportunities with which individuals can access these new marketplaces. 有些甚至有 推测 在线平台经济可能有潜力减少不平等. 同时, we do see evidence that capital platforms enable individuals with higher incomes to generate proportionally more earnings.

* Individuals are grouped into income quintiles based on an annual pre-tax income estimate for the year ascertained by 12bet官方 based on individual, 第三方和邮政编码级别的数据. 收入从0美元到30美元不等,1分位数是000, $30,100-$44,000代表第二分位数, $44,100-$58,5分位数是000, $58,100-$83,四分位数是800, 和83美元,五分位数在900以上.


The implications of earning a significant share of one's livelihood from online platforms and other non-standard forms of work are many. 例如,这些人可能更有可能在 税收的时间因为平台和独立合同工作通常不会预扣税. 为了申请抵押贷款,平台参与者的收入可能更难以核实, 汽车贷款或其他信用额度. 他们可能不太可能获得标准员工的典型工作场所福利, 比如健康保险, 退休计划, 带薪休假. 另一方面,通过平台赚钱的人可以灵活地选择工作时间和地点. They have a readily accessible option to generate additional earnings when income from their traditional jobs falls short or to cover a month with higher expenses.

从数据中可以清楚地看出,尽管在线平台经济仍然是第二收入来源, 劳动力平台对参与者总收入的贡献大于资本平台. 劳动平台收入约占35岁及以上参与者年收入的30%, 低收入或中等收入或居住在旧金山. 随着政策变化和诉讼的展开,这些社区的参与者是最大的得失者. Policy makers and business leaders have the opportunity right now to weigh the risks and benefits of the Online Platform Economy and help shape this new marketplace for the greater good of workers, 商业和经济.


12bet官方研究所致力于为公众利益提供数据丰富的分析和专家见解. 我们最近发布的报告 薪水、发薪日和在线平台经济 explores the demographics and sources of income volatility and provides an unprecedented look at the impact of the Online Platform Economy.